
I ever read a journalist’s information on newspaper: 76.______
The slide projector cast a photo with the simple landscape in 77.______
the screen in the classroom. The scene was a river on which 78.______
a boat was stopped in an entrance and which a tree stood. 79.______
After reflection and discussion for three minutes, a boy steped 80.______
onto the platform and said, "The theme of my composition is
Two Trees." Even so the journalist was surprised because there 81.______
was only one tree. The boy went on, "The boat in the water is 82.______
once a tree —a tree that stood along with that tree by the river,
but it made into a boat and drifted outside. Today, it came back 83.______
flat out...The two trees stood look at each other in silence and 84.______
in tear. 85.______

Minority groups often experience discrimination mainly because ______ .
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